Apply Your Foundational Learning
Try Things Out, Make Mistakes, Do It Again
Practice Between Gigs

Terry Schreiber
Why take scene study? Have you mastered the foundations and are ready to give your technique a try on-stage or on-camera? Are you experienced but going through a lull between acting jobs? A Scene Study course allows you to further explore and deepen your technique through emotional preparation, character work, and partner work. Additionally, it keeps you limber between roles. Scene Study is the fitness routine of your craft -- are you staying in shape?
A Scene Study class is for you if you...
Want to give that foundational training a whirl.
Desire to go beyond the obvious when it comes to your choices.
Worry your skills are getting rusty.

After one of these classes, you will…
Know what it feels like to connect effortlessly to a scene partner.
Discover the core of scenes and build your character off of that.
Feel ready to jump back into work, limber as a gymnast.