Demystify the Audition Process
Work with Industry Professionals
Calm Your Audition Mind

Take the fear out of auditions and add some joy in the process!
Audition classes and workshops are designed for actors with little to lots of experience. Whether you are re-working a monologue or learning to stay in the moment, one of our audition classes with top professionals can help. Classes are available for on-camera, on-stage, Shakespeare, and more.
Peter Miner
An Audition Class is for you if you...
Find all the different kinds of auditions overwhelming.
Know your acting technique is impeccable but you can't seem to show that to a Casting Director.
Think your audition skills are fine, thank you, but you want to spruce up your repertoire.

After this course, you will…
Feel confident auditioning on-camera, in-person, through zoom, or even with Shakespeare.
Enter any audition trusting yourself and your work.
Learn that you can actually enjoy auditioning.