

By William Shakespeare
Directed by Cat Parker
October 9 – November 16, 2008

“…a distinctive ambience
for the piece, a manifestation of the play’s admiring celebration of artistic inventiveness;
it’s a remarkable achievement.”
– NYTheatre.com

“…a talented crew, bringing sense and sensibility to Shakespeare’s comedy … makes for a show abounding in freshness and high spirits.”
– Backstage [Pick!]

“With vigor, excitement, and triumph, T. Schreiber Studios certainly proves that Shakespeare still appeals to young audiences and new interpretations.”
-Fab Marquee

“T. Schreiber’s version has the advantage of clarity: every actor understands the language, and the complexity of themes it carries. This production is wickedly funny, deeply entertaining and unusually lucid.”
– OffOffOff.com

“Everything here is perfectly in place — the acting, direction, design, and ‘Idea.’ The steampunk elements add depth to the characters and setting without distracting from the play itself.”
– Fantasy Magazine

By Tom Stoppard
Directed by Terry Schreiber
February 19 – March 29, 2009

“Schreiber’s direction is excellent – never a moment wasted.”

“Fantastic work across the board. Go and see it!”
– Duncan Pflaster

“Terry Schreiber has given us a clear, intelligent, and rewarding revival… one that showcases the work to full effect and, perhaps more excitingly, spotlights an ensemble of seven fine actors who bring the characters of the play to life unmistakably and utterly convincingly.”
– NYTheatre.com

“This is another in a growing cadre of outstanding productions of contemporary classics at T. Schreiber Studio, and for those in search of the meaty, juicy center … a real treat awaits.”
– Martin Denton

“[The actors] are all excellent at handling the necessary verbal acrobatics… Tomarken is especially adroit and is very moving and effective in his role. Jones is a delight as Annie, handling the complexities of her character nicely. Drillinger is amusing as Max, and Jolson piles on the smoldering sexpot with a trowel, while never seeming artificial. Walsh plays the vapid pretty-boy to the hilt. McNamara is glorious in her one pivotalscene – I wished she’d had more to do. Jones is perfectly boorish as Brodie.”

“Tomarken gives us a vivid and complex Henry…The leading ladies of TheReal Thing are doing excellent work.”
– NYTheatre.com

By Lanford Wilson
Directed by Peter Jensen
May 14- June 21, 2009

“A beckoning warmth radiates from Lanford Wilson’s masterpiece, Fifth of July.”
-Ben Brantley, NY Times

“A trip to T. Schreiber Studio this month is in order. There, a near-flawless, extremely moving production of this exquisite play is being presented. Theatergoers of every stripe would do well to take it in.”

“Fifth of July is currently receiving a sparkling revival courtesy of T. Schreiber Studio.”

What’s finally wonderful about this revival of Fifth of July is how wrapped up with all these people we find ourselves: they’re grand company and we are privileged to spend time with them.”
– NYtheatre.com