Kids Acting Classes (Ages 8-11)

Youth Acting Program

Ages 8-11

Instructor: Jazelle Foster of Denise Simon Acting & Coaching

Saturdays from 12:30am-2:30pm 

2020 Winter Semester: January 4 – March 21, 2020 (no class Jan 18, Feb 15)  
2020 Spring Semester:  March 28 – June 13, 2020 (no class April 11, May 23)

Photo of T. Schreiber Studio's kid and teen acting class with students and teacher

Is your child interested in acting? Our acting classes for kids are a great way to introduce them to the wonderful world of acting, while building confidence and nurturing skills in taking direction, collaboration, and working as part of a team. Our goal is to build confident young performers with the skills to create truthful and effective performances for stage, film, and television. The best part? All our classes are limited to small groups to allow for individualized instruction and feedback.

Kids acting classes are for children ages 8-11.

Dates TBA

Spring Semester: Command an audience! The final ingredient.

Dates: March 28 – June 13, 2020 (no class April 11, May 23)
Time: Saturdays, 12:30-2:30pm (10 Sessions/20 hours)
Fee: $675

Wow an audience! You’ve done the work and now need an audience to perform for. Work individually and with partners on scenes gaining the ability and confidence needed for a live performance.

  • Students will immerse themselves into character and scene work while learning to take direction.
  • Students will gain confidence in crafting their own show opening monologue, tapping into their own special skill set.
  • Students will learn the basics of scene transition and set dressing & cues.
  • The class will culminate with a final informal showcase of their work for friends family plus industry professionals.

Weeks 1-3: Onstage foundation building, projecting your voice, freeing your body for the stage. Staging and stage pictures.
Weeks 4-6: Show opening monologue.
Weeks 7-10: Scene work and directing.

Ready to apply?

Dates TBA