Prepare for an Audition
Find & Unpack any Acting Blocks
Get to the Core of the Character Faster

"I wouldn’t dream of doing an audition or film without first coaching with Pam."
Julia Garner, 2x Emmy Award Winner
Need that extra touch to get you across the finish line with a new monologue or dense script? One-on-one sessions with a private acting coach offer actors an opportunity to work on material or a personal acting block that cannot be fully explored in a scene study class. Get individualized feedback and feel confident that you’re prepared whatever your next acting adventure.
Online Lessons
Sometimes you just need one-on-one time outside of a classroom setting. Our private acting coaches can help you crack whatever nut you’re gnawing on.
Audition Coaching
Professional actors collaborate with a coach to prepare for auditions and complement their work. Regardless of training, all actors can benefit from personalized time with award-winning instructors.
Why Actors Need Private Coaching?
Actors can get rusty in between gigs. Private acting coaches help actors stay fresh, relevant, and on top of their game. They also help experienced actors dig into new challenging roles, work on specific issues that arise on set, or even work on a new dialect. Two heads are always better than one!
Private Acting Coaching versus Acting Classes?
If you are new to acting, private coaching should go hand-in-hand with beginner classes. A little more experienced? Take advanced technique classes or scene study along with coaching. On set all the time? You’re getting in your reps so just check-in with your coach when you need it.
How Much are Private Acting Coaches?
They can cost anywhere from $50 to $300 per hour depending on their experience and location. At T. Schreiber, the cost is between $80 to $180 per hour.
Where Do You Find Private Acting Coaches?
Most professional acting studios will offer private coaching. Not located in a city with an active industry? Work with a private acting coach online.
How Do You Find a Good Private Acting Coach?
Ask your friends and actors you admire for recommendations. The people who work for them might work for you! Or ask an established acting studio in a large market if they have resident acting coaches.
How Can I Tell If an Acting Coach IS RIGHT FOR ME?
Try a session with your new acting coach. Do they “get” you? Do they seem to have a sense of where you fit into the industry? Do you feel like you could be vulnerable and honest with them? Do they have experience in your preferred part of the industry? There’s no harm in checking out their resume.